Afbeelding voor The Ghost of Paul Revere

The Ghost of Paul Revere

+ Spencer Albee

dinsdag 9 november 2021
dinsdag 9 november 2021
zaal open:
20:00 uur
21:00 uur

De show van The Ghost of Paul Revere op 9 November 2021 kan helaas niet door gaan. Er wordt gezocht naar een nieuwe datum, reeds gekochte tickets blijven geldig voor deze datum. Kaartkopers zijn per mail op de hoogte gebracht.

Statement van de band:

“We waited as long as we could, hoping that we would not have to make this sad announcement. It is with heavy hearts that The Ghost of Paul Revere’s Europe Tour this fall will no longer be taking place out of an abundance of caution for the safety of our fans, crew, venue staff and the general public. Though this decision did not come easily, due to uncertainty associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, we strongly feel that it is the right thing to do at this time. We are working to reschedule this tour for 2022. We thank you for your support and understanding, and as we work to reschedule our tour for 2022 we hope you all stay safe and take care of each other!”


rock, roots, country, soul

The Ghost of Paul Revere

dinsdag 9 november 2021
